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Complex Numbers Challenge: Part 2

The graph displays three complex numbers z_1, z_2, and z_3 plotted in the complex plane. z_1 = 3+2i, z_2 = 3-2i, and z_3 = z_1 * z_2 (which in this case is 13+0i). Double click on z_2. A line of programming code will come up, don't worry, just delete the code and enter one of your answers to question 6 from the Complex Numbers Challenge: Part 1. You will need to type "z_2=" followed by your answer. The graph will be automatically updated so that z_3 is the product of z_1 and z_2. You should notice that z_3 is a real number. Check your other two answers to question 6 as well as your answer to question 7. If any of your products are not real, correct your work.