Construction of GeoMap
Fadime Feyza Güneş - 2014104033
Hilal Yaylalı - 2014104120
Yasemin Üzümcü - 2014104051
Step 1
1. Find a map image that include Turkey and its neighboring countries.
2. Construct a polygon that covered Turkey.
Step 2
1. Find 2 small and different colour rectangle.
2. Locate them on the left of the Map.
Step 3
1. Add text boxes on the rectangles from
2. Write a clue about Turkey on the upper rectangle.
3. Write a math question on the bottom rectangle.
![Toolbar Image](/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_text.png)
Step 4
1. Create a slide button
and name it " a=2"
2. Create a input box
on the rectangle of question connect it to variable "a".
3. Create a check box
and connect it to the question text and name it "Turkey's question"
![Toolbar Image](/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_slider.png)
![Toolbar Image](/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_textfieldaction.png)
![Toolbar Image](/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_showcheckbox.png)
Step 5
1. Right click on the polygon of Turkey and click "Setting".
2. Then click "betikleme" and "tıklandığında".
3. Write "a=true" in "tıklandığında box" to show Turkey's question.
Step 6
1. Click right on the input box
then click "setting" , "betikleme" and "güncellediğinde".
2. Then write "if( b==2,SetValue(metin1,"Başkenti Moskova olan ülke?"), SetValue(metin1,"Yanlış!"))
3. Define a variable "puan=10".
4. Then right click on the input box and click "setting", "betikleme" and "güncellendiğinde".
5. Write here " if(b!=2,SetValue(puan,puan-1))
![Toolbar Image](/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_textfieldaction.png)
Step 7
1. Construct a polygon that covered Russian.
2. Create a text box
on bottom rectangle.
3.Then create a check box
and connect it this text box and write there Russian's math question.
4. Crate a check box and connect it Input Box " Cevap".
![Toolbar Image](/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_text.png)
![Toolbar Image](/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_showcheckbox.png)
Step 8
1. Click right on polygon on Russian and then click "Setting" , "betikleme" and " tıklandığında"
2. Then here " a= false " , " u=true" and "j_1=false" .
** a : variable of Turkey's question text.
** j_1: variable of Input box ' Cevap'
** u: variable of Russian's question text.
Step 9
1. Find a glacial image and add it under the map.
2. Click right the image and click "Setting", "Gelişmiş" and "Nesneyi Gösterme Şartı"
3. Write here "puan=10"
* Apply these steps for all images.
Step 10
Apply all these steps for other countries.