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Savings Account Template

Savings Account

 Angel and Jassel both opened a savings account during the summer. The beginning balance of Jassel’s account was $700 and the beginning balance of Angel’s account was $300. Angel decided to get a part time job which would allow him to put in an extra $30 a week for the next 6 weeks. Jassel on the other hand decided that she would take out an allowance of $50 a week from the bank for the same time period. At what point and time will they each have the same amount of money in the bank? Who will have the most money at the end of the six weeks? Be able to support each of your answers.

Using the information above set the values on the Activity below.

Question 1

Based on your solutions in the Activity above describe what you observed on the grid for both Angel and Jassel. (Según sus soluciones en la Actividad anterior, describa lo que observó en la cuadrícula tanto para Angel como para Jassel.)

Question 2

At what point and time will they both have the same amount? (¿En qué momento ambos tendrán la misma cantidad?)

Question 3

Who will have the most money at the end of 6 weeks? (¿Quién tendrá más dinero al final de las 6 semanas?)

Select all that apply
  • A
  • B
Check my answer (3)

Question 4

What evidence did you have that this person had the most money at the end of 6 weeks? (¿Qué evidencia tiene de que esta persona tenía la mayor cantidad de dinero al final de las 6 semanas?)

Question 5

What is the Slope of the line for Jassel? How do we know? (¿Cuál es la pendiente de la línea para Jassel? ¿Como sabemos?)

Question 6

What is the Slope of the line for Angel? How do we know? (¿Cuál es la pendiente de la línea para Angel? ¿Como sabemos?)

Question 7

The original amount of money that both Angel and Jassel started with is a good example of what? Select all that apply... (¿La cantidad original de dinero con la que empezaron tanto Angel como Jassel es un buen ejemplo de qué? Seleccione todas las que correspondan...)

Select all that apply
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
Check my answer (3)

What is happening here? (¿Que está sucediendo aquí?)

What is happening here? (¿Que está sucediendo aquí?)

Question 8

How much money did Jassel start w/ this time? How much money is she taking out every week? How do you know? (¿Con cuánto dinero empezó Jassel esta vez? ¿Cuánto dinero está sacando cada semana? ¿Cómo lo sabes?)

Question 9

How much money did Angel start w/ this time? How much money is he putting in every week? How do you know? (¿Con cuánto dinero empezó Angel esta vez? ¿Cuánto dinero está poniendo cada semana? ¿Cómo lo sabes?)

Question 10

What questions do you still have? (¿Qué preguntas tienes todavía?)