GeoGebra News - December 2020
Illustrative Mathematics (6-8) Curriculum
Our digitally interactive version of IM + OUR 6-8 middle school math curriculum is now complete!
Use GeoGebra Classroom to engage students in fully remote or hybrid settings! Collaborate with students & monitor their progress in real-time: Illustrative Math Curriculum (6-8)
Virtual Whiteboards for GeoGebra Classroom
- Notes in Activities: You can include GeoGebra Notes in activities! This option is awesome for teachers who simply want to provide students with a virtual whiteboard. And with GeoGebra Classroom, you can see all students' writing and progress in real time!
- Check out this quick demo: Here teacher view is on the left. Student view is on the right.
GeoGebra Classroom
We've added new features and updates to GeoGebra Classroom:

If you are new to GeoGebra Classroom, please have a look at our Learn GeoGebra Classroom tutorial or watch our webinar.
- Add a Co-Teacher: If you team teach with another teacher, both you and your co-teacher can have the same teacher view of a GeoGebra class either of you create, so you both can formatively assess any student's progress in real time! Here's how to do it.
- New Class Overview Page: You can now view all work completed by any one student! See video below for more information.
- Remove Students: Remove any student from a class (if the need arises).
- New Create Class dialog: When you find an activity inside a large GeoGebra book and wish to make a class from this, you now have the option to decide if you want to create a class from the single activity or the entire book!
Other GeoGebra Apps
Graphing, Geometry, Classic and Suite App:
- Our new LineGraph command makes creating line graphs quick and easy! Explore and analyze afterwards by creating tables, getting roots, extrema, etc. See video below.
- Conveniently calculate the 5 number summary of statistics (Min, Q1, Median, Q3, Max) for lists of numbers
- NSolve is used if there is no exact solution for Solve
- Min() and Max() commands
Learn GeoGebra
Looking for help using GeoGebra? On our Learn GeoGebra page you can find quick links to learn more about our apps and website.
Do you have specific questions? There is more than one way to get an answer! Check out these options on our Learn GeoGebra page.
GeoGebra and Gamification
We are currently planning some cool new features for the GeoGebra website and would like to ask you for your help with this. One idea that we have is to use game elements on our site to make it even more fun to create and share resources on the GeoGebra platform.
Please fill in the questions in this form to help us decide what features would be best to add. We will use your information only for internal research purposes and keep it top secret. Nobody will ever learn from us what's your favorite game - promised! Thank you for your help in advance!
Find out more about our latest features on our YouTube Channel!