Geogebra in Action : Increasing Accessibility, SDL and COL
In the Singapore education system, since we embarked on the Third Master Plan for ICT in education (MP3) journey, two of the main focuses for an ICT-enabled lessons are self-directed learning and collaborative learning. While a lot of interest has been generated in using dynamic geometry and mathematics software (DGMS) due to their extensive set of features which enable rich cognitive learning, collaborative features are not explicitly integrated within such systems, although several educators around the world have demonstrated notable efforts to combine Geogebra with other ICT tools to create desired collaborative environments .
This paper offers a glimpse of some Singapore mathematics educators’ attempts to make Geogebra more accessible to students and teachers to provide self-directed and collaborative learning opportunities by using existing web technologies. By designing purposeful interactive learning activities and worksheets for content mastery, linked with online collaborative tools, students can be empowered to learn with efficacy.