Google Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner


Cody's reflections:

I came up with the idea of making a Pac Man that is being fed by an orange and the orange is the object that is following the projectile motion and following the path of a parabola. This is a neat project, i like the fact that we need to make a drawing. Everything is going good so far. The only problem i had was to create the min and max of each slider but i just continued to do trial and error and it worked. I am now almost done all the requirements of the geogebra except for the success failure feature! I have created a text box saying "Yay you helped feed the Pac Man" but i want this text only to appear when the orange goes inside the mouth of the Pac Man also i was wondering if i could make the orange dissapear when it is in the yelow part of the Pac Man these are two things i would like to add to my geogebra im pretty sure there is a way to do it. Other than that i think i have done everything that was asked of me to do for this geogebra. I have now added the Trace and label on the orange and added a thought from the Pac Man over its head ! All i need to do is complete the fail and success feature and make the text box only appear when the statement is true. I will ask the question tomorrow in Math class. I have just completed my final version of the geogebra. The hardest part was the success part but mainly because i made a reading error and i wasnt typing in the right rule into the conditions. It took some thought to create the success box but it helped us learn how to solve a problem. This was my favorite geogebra so far because it doesnt really look like math at all, with no grid and just a plain background it looks more like a fun game but at the same time we are learning math and physics. Geogebra continues to amaze me. It was interesting to create all the rules and conditions. It was fun and i am finally done!