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Fokus: Struggle makes you stronger

Struggle makes you stronger


You cannot grow without struggles. You cannot develop strength without resistance Pain and struggle is your friend, maybe not for the moment but:
  1. for the evolution of your soul
  2. for the long term benefit of you as a stronger human being.
You became what you are because of your struggles and it became your story. You story of struggle and growing from it, inspire others. If he/she could do it then I have the strength to do it too.

Tyd vir refleksie:

Dink aan iemand wat 'n inspirasie is vir jou. Vra jouself die volgende vrae:

  1. Wie is die persoon?
  2. Wat was die uitdagings wat die persoon moes oorkom in die lewe?

Verdere refleksie

Dink terug in jou verlede. Watter uitdagings moes jy tot dusver oorkom?

Nog refleksie

Wat kan ek hieruit leer indie wiskunde 'n uitdaging is of word vir my?