Print and Play


From GeoGebra to a print

On the picture, you see Sara from Italy. She is a crafting teacher. We sat down drinking coffee and we played with 3D printed Logifaces blocks in various colors. You can download any 3D resource from GeoGebra in the STL format - so all resources you or your students create on GeoGebra are 3D printable. Observations we made:
  • there are huge differences in printing time in relation to the volume. This means that your students will experience first hand what it means to have a different volume.
  • placing the Logifaces blocks in certain groups has an effect on printing time as well. For a hexagonal layout, your students will have to turn some of the blocks. This will teach them about rotation.
  • you can scale the blocks which also will have an impact on printing time. This will first hand teach them about scaling.