This workbook is about muqarnas. In Islamic mosques you often see abstract decorations in an interplay of regularity and variation. Muqarnas are decorative elements that, for example, fill the space above the entrance to a portal. It looks like a large niche being filled with all kinds of small niches. For the craftsman, it is a technical challenge to design new creations within the available space with a limited number of standardized building blocks or units. You can find beautiful examples in Turkey and Iran, but also in Moorish Spain or Morocco. The formal language is a fine application of mathematics and lends itself well to an alternative class lesson.
This book is about education. Muqarnas are the attractor in a program to develop lessonseries in design principles, the art of tilings, architecture of abstract objects, space geometry, combinatorial mathematics, and technologies like 3D printing. Some lessonseries have been developed in Dutch, others are under development.
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