Tangent and normal lines of curves
Here I collected the graphs, their tangent lines and normal lines. The applets were created by my students. These applets were their assignments. Feel free to inform me about the incorrect applets.

Table des matières
Explicit functions
- Tangent and Normal Line
- Ali Isayev
- Eliyev Elmir (Geogebra`s solution)
- tangent and normal lines of cubic parabola
- Elnur(Hyperbolic Secant)
- GeoGebra Applet y=a*sin^(-1)(x-b)+c
- Elvina.Ism
- Fagan's Assigment(GeoGebra
- Tangent and Normal Line of Parabola with roots
- normal line and tangent line
- Tangent and normal lines of cosh
- Tanget and Normal line of Hyperbola
- The tangent and normal line of y = (ax+b)/(cx^2 + dx + f)
- Tangent and Normal lines of x-d=ay^3+by^2+cy
- Geogebra applet
- parabola(again)
- Tangent and normal line of Hyperbolic Arc Cosine
- Tangent and Normal line.
- Cubic function: tangent and normal lines
- Geogebra Applet demonstrating tangent line and normal line
- Tangent and Normal line of y=a*arcsinh*(x-b) + c
- tangent and normal line
- Normal line and Tangent line of Graph
Implicit functions