Intro to GeoGebra
GeoGebra is the platform we are going to be using for the Constructions Unit. There will be specific buttons that we will use the majority of the time. Below you will explore those buttons and try and complete some tasks using them
Task 1. Try The following on the space provided.
1. Create a line segment
2. Create a line
3. Create an Angle
Something like the image below

Were you able to create the line, segment and angle ? What was easy what was hard ?
Task 2.
4. Create a circle
5. Try and move the circle to a new location
6. Lock the circle into place
7. Make 2 circles that share the same center
Something like this
Task 3. Create your name
Using the toolbar below. Create an image that displays your name.
1) You must use more than 3 different buttons to create your name
2) Cannot just be point and line segments
3) Try and add some color to the name
4) ScreenShot Your name and then post it on the class padlet (see link below)
Padlet for Screenshot
Reflection of GeoGebra
What do you like and or dislike about this math tool. Did you face any challenges or success, if so what ?