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Understanding Place Value of Numbers (Base Ten)

Visual Understanding of Place Value of Numbers

We use numbers to tell us how many items or quantities there are of something.  What do you understand by the number 319? What does the digit 3 represent in the number 319? What does the digit 9 represent ? Is the quantity represented by the digit 1 smaller than 9? Is the position of each digit important ? Is 319 the same as 139 or 913 ? Explore the visual tool below. 1. Increase the value from 319 to 401, by one unit each time . 2. Note the number of dots as the number increases. 3. What is the maximum number of ones (red dots) you can display? 4. What is the maximum number of tens (blue dots) you can display? 5. Whenever we reach the maximum number for the digit in each position, how do what do we do?

See another version of visual presentation of 3 digit numbers at