3.1 Understanding Proportional Relationships (Extra Lesson)UNIT 3 • LESSON 1 UNDERSTANDING PROPORTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS
adybug and ant move at constant speeds. The diagrams with tick marks show their positions at different times. Each tick mark represents 1 centimeter.

You teacher will give you 12 graphs of proportional relationships.
- Setting the Stage
- 1.1: Notice and Wonder: Two Graphs
- 1.2: Moving Through Representations
- Are You Ready For More?
- 1.3: Moving Twice as Fast
- Summary
- Lines uu and v also show the positions of the two bugs. Which line shows the ladybug’s movement? Which line shows the ant’s movement? Explain your reasoning.
- How long does it take the ladybug to travel 12 cm? The ant?
- Scale the vertical and horizontal axes by labeling each grid line with a number. You will need to use the time and distance information shown in the tick-mark diagrams.
- Mark and label the point on line u and the point on line v that represent the time and position of each bug after travelling 1 cm.
- Imagine a bug that is moving twice as fast as the ladybug. On each tick-mark diagram, mark the position of this bug.
- Plot this bug’s positions on the coordinate axes with lines uu and vv, and connect them with a line.
- Write an equation for each of the three lines.
- Write an equation for the graph.
- Sketch a new graph of this relationship.
- Sort the graphs into groups based on what proportional relationship they represent.
- Write an equation for each different proportional relationship you find.