Key stage 3 Geogebra apps

Table of Contents
Arithmetric and decimals
- A multiplication tables tester
- Adding three digit numbers.
- Subtracting three digit numbers
- The multiplication of three digit numbers
- The division of two numbers (easy)
- The division of two numbers (hard)
- The sum of two decimals
- The difference of two decimals
- The product of two decimals
- The division of two decimals
Area and perimeter
Negative numbers
Algebra 2
Properties of numbers 01
- Translations of a shape vector (a, b)
- Drawing the image of a translation.
- Enlargement: Scale factor k, centre (a, b)
- Drawing the image of an enlargement.
- Finding the centre of enlargement
- Finding scale factor and centre of enlargement
- Reflection with a vertical line of symmetry x = a
- Reflections in the line y = mx + c
- Drawing the image after a reflection.
- Rotations
- Drawing the image after a rotation.
- Drawing the image after a rotation.
- Combination of transformations
Properties of numbers 02
- Addition and subtraction of fractions (non-mixed)
- Adding and subtracting of mixed numbers
- Addition and subtraction of fractions (non mixed) 01
- Adding and subtracting of mixed numbers 01
- Multiplication of fractions (non mixed)
- Multiplication of fractions mixed numbers
- Division of fractions (non mixed)
- Division of fractions mixed numbers
- Multiplication and division of mixed numbers