Designing Self Assessment Resources (GGB Day Bangkok 2018)
Plenary Session 2 Talk on 21 Oct 2018 1300 to 1400
This talk is about teachers designing self assessment resources for students.
A teacher shares his journey in learning how to use Geogebra to create such resources, and share some design ideas,
and to call for more collaboration and professional development.

Table of Contents
Types of resources
- Illustrating Addition and Subtraction of Proper Fractions
- Story of Rice on Chessboard : - Exponential Doubling
- Visual Representation of 2012 SMO Junior Question 6
- External Tangents to a Circle
- Perpendicular Bisector of Chord (Circle Properties)
- Basic Proofs In Plane Geometry -Example 6 (Scaffolded)
- Input and Output of Graphs of Linear Functions
- Relationship between Arc Length, Radius and Angle (in degrees)
- Mean Median Mode -Tabulated Data with Visual Mode
- Ordered Pairs, Cartesian Coordinates Self Assessment
- Speed Time Graph for Self Directed Learning (v.2) (Customizable)
- Illustrating Quadratic Inequalities
- Escape Room 1
- Study Graphs of Trigonometric Functions
- MCQ Resources and Design Tips
- Self Assessment : Graphs of Quadratic Functions in Vertex Form +/- (x-h)^2 +k
Tutorials for Teachers & Students