Creating Animations Webinar (Part 1)
Move A and B anywhere you'd like. Then slider the slider. Then answer the questions that follow.
What happens as slider a moves from a = 0 to a = 1?
What happens as slider a moves from a = 1 to a = 2?
Which transformation(s), if any, could help the segment form as a moves from 0 to 1? Check any/all that apply.
Wähle alle richtigen Antworten aus
- A
- B
- C
- D
Move the LARGE POINTS anywhere you want. What happens as slider "a" moves from 0 to 1? How about from 1 to 2?
In this 2nd animation, what happens as slider a moves from a = 0 to a = 1?
In this 2nd animation, what happens as slider a moves from a = 1 to a = 2?
For this 2nd animation, which transformation(s) move both circular sectors? Check any/all that apply.
Interact with this app for a bit. Move the vertices anywhere you'd like at any time.
For this 3rd animation, which transformation(s) move the circular sectors? Check any/all that apply.
CLICK HERE for a setup of the triangle. We'll then work together to build the animation!
HERE: An example of an animation with 2 transformations that occur at separate instances.
Suppose the slider above is named a. Suppose minimum value of a = 0. Predict the max value of a.
Describe what you think happens from a = 0 to a = max. Spare no detail! :)
It is also possible to implement two transformations simultaneously! We'll explore more of this in part 2 of this webinar series (on WED JULY 8). See below for some samples.