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warped CGI sheet

A corrugated steel sheet can be warped on a hypar

This custom tool takes as input a curved directrix, the direction of the corrugations, a straight line, the number of corrugations, and a point on the other end of the sheet. It then traces the sheet in space, keeping corners at right angles and keeping the width of the sheet approximately constant (the edges are approximated by arcs, which is sufficient for construction purposes). The curved directrix is defined by 3 points. The middle point along with one point of the straight line define the direction of the corrugation. The other point on the straight line define the angle of the straight line and the width of the sheet. The last point defines the length of the sheet. If it is before the straight line, both directrix are curved in the same direction. If it is after the straight line there an inversion of curvature. For more information on corrugated sheets on (slightly) warped surfaces, see Abramczyk: