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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Week 9 Day 1 Opener

Look at triangles ABC and DEF below. In this problem segment AB is congruent to segment DE and segment BC is congruent to segment EF (this is the information you are given). Based on the given information and the definition of "congruence" we know there is a rigid motion that takes AB to DE. (rigid motion is a new vocabulary word but it means the same thing as rigid transformation) Figure out what rigid transformation will take AB to DE and then apply that transformation to triangle ABC below. (actually do the transformation)

Why does point C' not coincide with point F?

Look at triangles ABC and JKL below. Given: segment AB is congruent to segment JK and angle ABC is congruent to angle JKL. Based on the given information and the definition of "congruence" we know there is a rigid motion that takes AB to JK. Figure out what rigid motion will take AB to JK and then apply that transformation to triangle ABC below.

Why does point C' not coincide with point L?

Look at triangles ABC and QRS below. Given: segment AB is congruent to segment QR, segment BC is congruent to segment RS, and angle ABC is congruent to angle QRS. Based on the given information and the definition of "congruence" we know there is a rigid motion that takes AB to QR. Figure out what rigid tranformation will take AB to QR and then apply that transformation to triangle ABC below.

Why does point C' coincide with point S?