Regular Polygons

The Triangle

1. Create an arbitrary regular polygon with 3 vertices ABC 2. Create the angles of the polygon 3. Record on a separate piece of paper, how many sides the polygon has, the angle measurements, and the sum of all the angles

The Square

1. Create an arbitrary regular polygon with 4 vertices ABCD 2. Create the angles of the polygon 3. How many sides does the polygon have, what are the angle measurements, and what is the sum of all the angles

The Pentagon

1. Create an arbitrary regular polygon with 5 vertices ABCDE 2. Create the angles of the polygon 3. How many sides does the polygon have, what are the angle measurements, and what is the sum of all the angles

The Hexagon

1. Create an arbitrary regular polygon with 6 vertices ABCDEF 2. Create the angles of the polygon 3. How many sides does the polygon have, what are the angle measurements, and what is the sum of all the angles

The n-Polygon

1. Create any arbitrary regular polygon with however many vertices you choose 2. Create the angles of the polygon 3. How many sides does the polygon have, what are the angle measurements, and what is the sum of all the angles

Desmos Activity

Now go to Desmos and plot the points and connect them with a line. Make your x-values the number of sides and your y-values the sum of the angles. Using this line derive a formula relating the number of sides to the sum of the angles.