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GeoGebra Classroom
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GeoGebra Classroom
Stars with GeoGebra (DE)
graphics with star tools
Star graphic using a star tool
dynamic star pattern
made with a star tool
Animated star picture
Art with stars
Patter with star tool 2
Pattern with star tool1
Art with Star tool
Star K.
Star C.
Stars with GeoGebra (DE)
ICT World - Projekt
Students of pestalozzi Gymnasium in Unna (Germany) have got a tasks to do at home. It was before Christmas. So I looked for a suitable task that need the use of tools.
graphics with star tools
Star graphic using a star tool
dynamic star pattern
made with a star tool
Animated star picture
Art with stars
Patter with star tool 2
Pattern with star tool1
Art with Star tool
Star K.
Star C.
graphics with star tools
New Resources
Calendar Puzzle
Flip 9 Coins
derivatives of x^n
Experiments with Transformations in the Plane
Roll Dice
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Obsah a obvod kruhu
Plotter in Polarkooridinaten
An equilateral triangle inside of a circle
Mach number
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Median Line
Isosceles Triangles
Hypergeometric Distribution
Curve Sketching
Geometric Mean