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Does Composition with Dilation and Reflection matter?

Composition with Reflection and Dilation using Point A (3, 2) and B (-2, 5)

Part A: Reflect then Dilate 1. Use the reflection toolToolbar Image to Reflect segment AB over the x-axis. For segment A'B', point A', & point B', change the color to red. 2. Use the dilation tool to Dilate segment A'B' from the center point C with a scale factor of 3. step 1: select the dilation tool Toolbar Image step 2: move the cursor to point A', select step 3: move the cursor topoint C, select step4: an input box will appear, enter factor 3. For segment A''B'', point A'', & point B'', change the color to green.

Reflect then Dilate

Part B: Dilate then Relfect.

1. Use the dilation tool to Dilate segment A'B' from the center point C with a scale factor of 3. step 1: select the dilation tool Toolbar Image step 2: move the cursor to point A', select step 3: move the cursor topoint C, select step4: an input box will appear, enter factor 3. For segment A''B'', point A'', & point B'', change the color to green. 2. Use the reflection tool to Reflect segment A'B', A', & B'. over the x-axis. For segment A''B'', point A'', & point B'', change the color to green.

Dilate then Reflect

Composition using Reflect and Dilation

Does the order matter? Why? Think of the Coordinate Rules from the Transformation Notes.