Translation mat
We are going to use GeoGebra to explore the translation mat
1. Click this will put a drop down menu.
2. Go down and click on translate by vector.
3. Click the shape to highlight it.
4. Then click A.
5. Once you do that an arrow will appear. Click on E and it will translate the whole image.
6.Continue to do the same with F and G.
7. Answer the questions on Slide 12
8. Now Click on
9. Click between A and A', B and B', C and C', and D and D'.
10. Continue to do the same with F and G.
11. Answer the questions on slide 13
Directions for Rotations.
1. Click this will put a drop down menu.
2. Go down and click on reflect about line.
3. Click the shape to highlight it.
4. Then click the segment EF
5. Now hover over
6. Click between A and A', B and B', C and C', and D and D'.
Rotations Directions
1. Click this will put a drop down menu.
2. Go down and click on Rotate about a point.
3. Click the shape to highlight it.
4. Then click the point E.
5. Then type in 90o and click clockwise.
5. Now click on
6. Click between A and E , A' and E, B and E, B' and E, C and E, C' and E, D and E, D' and E.
7. Click on and then click on the angle button .
8. Click on A' click on E and click on A. Then do the same with B, C, and D.