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Tutorial: Rotating rings in 3D

How to do it in GeoGebra Classic 5

Runs slow online. Download for better performance.



c1 := (x-10)^2+(y-0)^2=0.8 c2 := (x-7)^2+(y-0)^2=0.8 c3 := (x-4)^2+(y-0)^2=0.8 s1 = Surface(c1, 2 pi, yAxis) s2 = Surface(c2, 2 pi, yAxis) s3 = Surface(c3, 2 pi, yAxis) l = Line( (0,0,0), (1,1,1) ) speed = 1 t = Slider(0, 2 pi, 0.01, speed, 200, false, true, false, false) r1 = Rotate(Rotate(s1, t, xAxis), t, l) r2 = Rotate(Rotate(s2, t, yAxis), t, l) r3 = Rotate(Rotate(s3, t, zAxis), t, l)

How to do it in GeoGebra Suite App

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