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Rotation Around a Point B3W1D3

Rotation Around a Point B3W1D3


A transformation is the movement of a geometric figure on the coordinate plane. A rotation is a type of transformation which is a turn. A figure can be turned clockwise or counterclockwise on the coordinate plane. In both transformations the size and shape of the figure stays exactly the same.

Daffy is positioned on the coordinate plane. Points A and B orient Daffy in the upright position when the slider is set to 0. Does Daffy move clockwise or counterclockwise as you move the slider to the right?

Describe Daffy's orientation when the slider is set to 0 degrees. Where is point A in relation to point B?

Move the slider to 90 degrees. Describe Daffy's orientation when the slider is set to 90 degrees. Although they are not marked on rotated Daffy, describe the orientation of point A in relation to point B on rotated 90 degree Daffy.

Move the slider to 180 degrees. Describe Daffy's orientation when the slider is set to 180 degrees. How would point A and B be oriented on the 180 degree rotated Daffy?

Move the slider to 270 degrees. Describe Daffy's orientation when the slider is set to 270 degrees. How would point A and B be oriented on the 270 degree rotated Daffy?

Rotate the slider all the way to the right. What does the slider read? What else do you notice?