Google Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner
GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom - Interaktiva lektioner

Mickey Mouse - Graph Transformation Challenge

"Using your knowledge of graph transformations, transform this arc called f(x) to create Mickey Mouse. Type in other functions that transform f(x). EG to create a full circle now type in the input bar g(x) = -f(x). You can call each transformation another letter of the alphabet (h(x), i(x), j(x) etc)"
"Using your knowledge of graph transformations, transform this arc called f(x) to create Mickey Mouse. Type in other functions that transform f(x). EG to create a full circle now type in the input bar g(x) = -f(x). You can call each transformation another letter of the alphabet (h(x), i(x), j(x) etc)"