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GeoGebraGeoGebra Classroom

Complete the Square with Algebra Tiles

The expression is represented visually below, where is the area of the blue square and is the area of each green rectangle. How many small squares are needed to "complete the square"? Show this geometrically by placing small light colored squares in the relevant spots.

Use your work above to rewrite the expression as the difference of a perfect square and a whole number. Enter it below.

Check your work above by typing CompleteSquare(x^2+6x) in the GeoGebra input bar below. (Or copy and paste it.)

Use your work above to solve the equation for . Put your answer in the box below. Use the notepad for any scratch work.

Check your work above by typing Solve(x^2+6x=4) in the GeoGebra input bar below.

Experiment with other expressions using the algebra tiles above. Then use your work to solve at least one quadratic equation. Use GeoGebra's "CompleteSquare" and "Solve" functions to check your answers.