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GeoGebra Classroom
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GeoGebra Classroom
GEOM Construction Menu 03
Protractor Practice Scored
Protractor Practice ± 1 Scored
Protractor Practice ± 2 Scored
SAS 6 unit, 57º, 7 units Solution
SAS - Triangle Side-Angle-Side using Sliders
ASA - Triangle Angle-Side-Angle using Sliders
Side-Angle-Side Inequalities In Two Triangles
SSS - Triangle Side-Side-Side using Sliders
AAA Triangle Congruence Investigation: Angle-Angle-Angle
AAA Triangle Investigation
SSA Testing Triangle Congruence ? Angle-Side-Side ?
SSA triangle: The Ambiguous Case
Triangle SSA
Isosceles Triangle Investigation
Four Equilateral Triangles inside a Square
Relationship of Angles
Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal
Parallel Lines Cut by Transversal with Solution
Protractor and Ruler
Pick and Claim the Factor Game
Reflection in a Line with Menu: You Do it!
Reflection in a Point with Menu: You Do it!
Rotation about a Point of 90º Clockwise
Reflection in x-axis, y-axis, y=x: Observe Coordinates
Reflections in x-Axis, y-Axis, & Origin
Test yourself: Reflection
Translate a Triangle, then Reflect it Across the x-Axis
Reflection in a Line of a Quadrilateral with Help
Demo of Rotation
Demo of Dilation
TASK: Rotate the entire Face clockwise 120º about the Orign.
Task: Dilate Face through point P with a Factor of - 2
Two Reflections Over Parallel Lines : Challenge
Two Reflections Over Intersectig Lines : Challenge
Translate By Vector
Transformations : Challenge Your Classmate
Reflect an Object through Two Parallel Line
Reflect an Object through Two Intersecting Lines
Use Transformations to Copy Green onto Red
Terry Lee Lindenmuth
Transformaciones Geométricas
The concepts of geometric construction and transformation are central to this GeoGebra Book.
GEOM Construction Menu 03
Protractor Practice Scored
Protractor Practice ± 1 Scored
Protractor Practice ± 2 Scored
SAS 6 unit, 57º, 7 units Solution
SAS - Triangle Side-Angle-Side using Sliders
ASA - Triangle Angle-Side-Angle using Sliders
Side-Angle-Side Inequalities In Two Triangles
SSS - Triangle Side-Side-Side using Sliders
AAA Triangle Congruence Investigation: Angle-Angle-Angle
AAA Triangle Investigation
SSA Testing Triangle Congruence ? Angle-Side-Side ?
SSA triangle: The Ambiguous Case
Triangle SSA
Isosceles Triangle Investigation
Four Equilateral Triangles inside a Square
Relationship of Angles
Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal
Parallel Lines Cut by Transversal with Solution
Protractor and Ruler
Pick and Claim the Factor Game
Reflection in a Line with Menu: You Do it!
Reflection in a Point with Menu: You Do it!
Rotation about a Point of 90º Clockwise
Reflection in x-axis, y-axis, y=x: Observe Coordinates
Reflections in x-Axis, y-Axis, & Origin
Test yourself: Reflection
Translate a Triangle, then Reflect it Across the x-Axis
Reflection in a Line of a Quadrilateral with Help
Demo of Rotation
Demo of Dilation
TASK: Rotate the entire Face clockwise 120º about the Orign.
Task: Dilate Face through point P with a Factor of - 2
Two Reflections Over Parallel Lines : Challenge
Two Reflections Over Intersectig Lines : Challenge
Translate By Vector
Transformations : Challenge Your Classmate
Reflect an Object through Two Parallel Line
Reflect an Object through Two Intersecting Lines
Use Transformations to Copy Green onto Red
GEOM Construction Menu 03
Nuevos recursos
Flip 5 Coins.
Flip 4 Coins
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Circle Theorem 5
Linear Programming Template (Blank)
Dragging Tangents 3
Net of a Cylinder
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