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GeoGebraGeoGebra Klaslokaal

Exact Height of Plant (Continuous)

Here, we will try to find the exact height of a rice plant (remember, height is a continuous variable). Answer the questions below, in your notebook.
Question 1: The units on the y-axis are in cm. From this, estimate the height of the rice plant. From now, to have a clear visualization, push "Show Height Line", to mark on the y-axis the height of the plant. Question 2: Push "Zoom on Height" to get a more accurate measurement. Push it twice. Now, estimate the height of the rice plant. Is this the exact height? Question 3: Zoom in a few more times to get more accurate. Estimate the height of the rice plant. Is this the exact height? Question 4: Continue this process, to get an exact height. Did you arrive at a height? Note: GeoGebra has difficulty with zooms, so if the red line disappears, push "Center on Line" to go back to the line.