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Randomly Throwing Things to Estimate Pi (Summer 2023)

Did you know you can estimate by randomly throwing darts at a circle inscribed in a square? Press the play button below to run a simulation.
Here's how to make a simplified version of the simulation. Enter the following in different lines of the input bar below. 1) poly1=Polygon((-1,-1),(1,-1),4) 2) x^2+y^2=1 3) n=Slider(1,1000,1) 4) l1=Sequence(RandomPointIn(poly1),k,1,n) 5) l2=Sequence(If((x(Element(l1,k)))^(2)+(y(Element(l1,k)))^(2)>1,0,1),k,1,n) 6) a=Sum(l2) 7) PiEstimate=((4 a)/(n))
Once your simulation is working, you can: Edit the colors of the square and points (choose your favorites). Edit the slider, to see even more points. Does this impact the estimate of ?

You can even randomly throw frozen hot dogs at parallel lines and get an estimate of . Press the play button below to run a simulation.