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MJJ Geometry - Unit 2 Quiz 1 Constructions from Ancient Greece and Identifying Quadrilaterals

Can you construct using Euclid's methods?
Can you construct using Euclid's methods?

Use the below coordinate plane to provide your constructions for the questions below

1a. Copy a segment

Create and label ∠ABC, such that AB and BC are congruent.

1b. Explain how you made sure the line segments were congruent.

2a. Perpendicular Bisector

Create perpendicular bisectors for the segments AB and BC that you created from above.

2b. Explain how you know these are perpendicular bisectors


3a. Angle Bisector

Create a line that will Bisect angle ∠ABC. Label your line with two letters if necessary

3b. Explain your method for bisecting the angle

Determining Types of Quadrilaterals from Coordinate Planes

Determine whether each figure is a trapezoid, a parallelogram, a square, a rhombus, or a quadrilateral.

Use the below coordinate plane to plot your quadrilaterals in the questions below

4. Name the Quadrilateral using the most precise classification? Shape 1: B(1,2) C(4,4) D(5,1) E(2,-1). Use justification to prove why your chose your quadrilateral.

5. Name the Quadrilateral using the most precise classification? Shape 2: G(-2,2) H(4,2) J(6,-1) K(-4,-1) Use justification to prove why your chose your quadrilateral.

6. Name the Quadrilateral using the most precise classification? Shape 3: M(-3,1) N(1,3) O(3,-1) P(-2,-2) Use justification to prove why your chose your quadrilateral.

7. Name the Quadrilateral using the most precise classification? Shape 4: Q(-3,0) R(3,0) S(0, 3) T(0,-3) Use justification to prove why your chose your quadrilateral.