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GeoGebra Classroom
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GeoGebra Classroom
length ratio and area ratio of 2 similar figures
Equivalent Fractions Number Line
Sześcian sumy / The third power sum
Minimum Spanning Tree Generator and Calculator
Minimum Spanning Tree Practice
Fractal Tree
Tree Planting Problem - Rows of 4
Tree bench
tree bench
house tree
Christmas Tree 4
Prime Factorization
Fibonacci Box method for generating Pythagorean triples
Ostrosłup pięciokątny / Pentagonal pyramid
Golden section in pentagonal fractal
AQR Section 17: Creating a Box and Whisker Plot
AQR Section 17: Dot Plot and Box-and-Whisker Plot
AQR Section 16: Matching a Pie Chart to a Dot Plot
AQR Section 17: Mean but Sensitive
AQR Section 12 Exercises 30-34 Medical Testing (Part 2)
Solid of cross section
Building Squares on f(x)=sin(x)
AQR Section 16: Identify the Histogram
Focus-Directrix Graph Paper
Polar Conic Sections
Orbiting Dots
Elliptical Orbits & Kepler's 2nd Law
Mandelbrot Iteration Orbits
Stallelite in Orbit
Planetary Orbit Model
Observing Venus
Orbit Model
Surya Siddhantha Planetary Model
Planetary Orbits
Reflections Inside an Ellipse
Circular Standing Wave
Antiquity of the Hindu Calender
Sierpinski Doily
The Zigzag Function
The Hindu Lunisolar Calendar
Lunar Phases and Eclipses
Snowflake Kaleidoscope
Emil Wychowaniec
length ratio and area ratio of 2 similar figures
Equivalent Fractions Number Line
Sześcian sumy / The third power sum
Minimum Spanning Tree Generator and Calculator
Minimum Spanning Tree Practice
Fractal Tree
Tree Planting Problem - Rows of 4
Tree bench
tree bench
house tree
Christmas Tree 4
Prime Factorization
Fibonacci Box method for generating Pythagorean triples
Ostrosłup pięciokątny / Pentagonal pyramid
Golden section in pentagonal fractal
AQR Section 17: Creating a Box and Whisker Plot
AQR Section 17: Dot Plot and Box-and-Whisker Plot
AQR Section 16: Matching a Pie Chart to a Dot Plot
AQR Section 17: Mean but Sensitive
AQR Section 12 Exercises 30-34 Medical Testing (Part 2)
Solid of cross section
Building Squares on f(x)=sin(x)
AQR Section 16: Identify the Histogram
Focus-Directrix Graph Paper
Polar Conic Sections
Orbiting Dots
Elliptical Orbits & Kepler's 2nd Law
Mandelbrot Iteration Orbits
Stallelite in Orbit
Planetary Orbit Model
Observing Venus
Orbit Model
Surya Siddhantha Planetary Model
Planetary Orbits
Reflections Inside an Ellipse
Circular Standing Wave
Antiquity of the Hindu Calender
Sierpinski Doily
The Zigzag Function
The Hindu Lunisolar Calendar
Lunar Phases and Eclipses
Snowflake Kaleidoscope
length ratio and area ratio of 2 similar figures
Nowe zasoby
GWO 6 - ćw. B 2/2 str. 11 zad. 2a
GWO 6 - ćw. B 2/2 str. 15 zad. 14b
GWO 6 - ćw. B 2/2 str. 12 zad. 6b rys. 2
Naucz się GeoGebra Classroom
GWO 6 - ćw. B 2/2 str. 14 zad. 10 rys. 1
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Dwusieczna kąta zad. 1. str. 220.
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