Angle Measures of Rotated Figures
Verificar la conservación o variación de las propiedades y relaciones en figuras geométricas luego de una transformación.
Angle Measures of Rotated Figures
Explore how figures are affected by rotations and verify that their angle measures remain unchanged.
Pregunta abierta 1
How are the image and the pre-image different?
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Pregunta abierta 2
What stays the same after a rotation?
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Pregunta abierta 3
How can you use the triangles in the grid to show that an image has the same angle measurements as a pre-image?
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Pregunta abierta 4
Can you use the triangles in the grid in the same way to show that the angle measurements of the image and pre-image of a right triangle are the same? Why or why not?
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