Reading Number Names from 100 to 999

Öğrenci Görünümü
Seçenekler Menüsü


Read and write word names for whole numbers from 101 to 999.

Reading Number Names from 100 to 999

Explore the written names for numbers from 100 to 999.

Putting It All Together

Answer these open ended questions on your own or with others to form deeper math connections.

Açık-uçlu soru 1

How does place value help you name the number?

Metin ve matematik girdisi

Açık-uçlu soru 2

How is the name for 803 different from 813? From 800?

Metin ve matematik girdisi

Açık-uçlu soru 3

Which 3 digit number has the longest name? The shortest?

Metin ve matematik girdisi