Visualizing the Area of a Circle and its Formula

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ExploraciónGRADOS 6-8


Usar modelos para desarrollar fórmulas de cálculo de áreas de triángulos, paralelogramos, trapezoides y círculos en problemas numéricos y textuales.

Visualizing the Area of a Circle and its Formula

Develop the formula for finding the area of a circle by breaking a circle into pieces and rearranging them.

Putting It All Together

Answer these open ended questions on your own or with others to form deeper math connections.

Pregunta abierta 1

When the circle is rearranged and the number of parts increases, what shape do the rearranged parts start to look like?

Entrada de texto y matemáticas

Pregunta abierta 2

The formula for the area of a parallelogram is . If a circle is rearranged into many parts that appear like a parallelogram, what is the measure of the height and what is the measure of the base?

Entrada de texto y matemáticas

Pregunta abierta 3

How does the formula for the area of a circle relate to the formula for the area of the parallelogram created by rearranging the sectors of the circle?

Entrada de texto y matemáticas