Converting Decimals up to the Hundredths Place to Fractions
Rewrite and compare decimals to fractions (tenths and hundredths) with and without models and pictures.
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Converting Decimals up to the Hundredths Place to Fractions
Investigate the connection between decimals and fractions. Explore number patterns with the changing position of a decimal point.
Putting It All Together
Answer these open ended questions on your own or with others to form deeper math connections.
Open-ended question 1
How does the fraction change when you change the position of the decimal point?
Text and math input
Open-ended question 2
If the numerator stays the same and the denominator changes from 100 to 10, how does the value of the fraction or mixed number change?
Text and math input
Open-ended question 3
If the numerator stays the same and the denominator changes from 10 to 100, how does the value of the fraction or mixed number change?
Text and math input
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