Calculating the Surface Area of Pyramids Using Nets

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GR. 6-8


Usar desarrollos planos o fórmulas para encontrar el área total de prismas, pirámides y cilindros, en problemas numéricos y textuales.

Calculating the Surface Area of Pyramids Using Nets

Unfold nets and calculate the surface area of triangular and rectangular pyramids in this step-by-step exploration activity.

Putting It All Together

Answer these open ended questions on your own or with others to form deeper math connections.

Pregunta abierta 1

What steps are used to find the surface area of a pyramid?

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Pregunta abierta 2

Consider the calculations for finding the surface area of a pyramid with a rectangular base and a pyramid with a triangular base. Are any of the calculations different? Explain your answer.

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Pregunta abierta 3

Consider the calculations for finding the surface area of a pyramid with an equilateral base and a pyramid with a right triangular base. Are any of the calculations different? Explain your answer.

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Pregunta abierta 4

Which measurements do you need to find the surface area of a pyramid?

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Pregunta abierta 5

Do you ever need to know the height of the pyramid to find the surface area of a pyramid? If so, when do you need to know the height? Explain your answer.

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