Ratios and Rates

Ratios and Rates

Learn and practice finding unit rates and solving proportions with interactive resources from GeoGebra.

Middle School


Area and Volume of Similar Geometric Figures

Recognize the effect of scale factors or ratios on areas and volumes of similar geometric figures; use formulas to solve number and word problems.

Equivalent Ratios

Use reasoning with equivalent ratios to solve number and word problems.

Ratios and Proportions

Describe the relationship between corresponding terms in two or more numerical patterns or tables of ratios.

Scale Factors

Determine and use scale factors to reduce and enlarge drawings on grids to produce dilations.

Unit Rate

Calculate unit rates in number and word problems, including comparison of unit rates.

Unit Rate and the Constant of Proportionality

Given a proportional relationship represented by tables, graphs, models, or algebraic or verbal descriptions, identify the unit rate (constant of proportionality).

Unit Rates with Fractions

Calculate unit rates of ratios that include fractions to make comparisons in number and word problems.

Variable Rate of Change

Analyze graphs, identify situations, or solve problems with varying rates of change.

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