Introducing Inverses of Functions

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GR. 9-12


Find the inverse of a function or relation. Verify that two functions are inverses using their graphs or composition of functions.

Introducing Inverses of Functions

Explore the relationship between a function and its inverse function in this activity.

Putting It All Together

Answer these open ended questions on your own or with others to form deeper math connections.

Open-ended question 1

What similarities and differences do you notice between the original function and the inverse?

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Open-ended question 2

Explain the relationship that the graph of the function and the inverse have with the line .

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Open-ended question 3

The graph of a linear function passes through and . The graph of another linear function passes through and . Do you have enough information to say that and are inverses of each other?

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Open-ended question 4

Could you determine if two functions are inverses if you were given only the first point for each function?

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Open-ended question 5

Does have an inverse function? What about if the domain was restricted?

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Open-ended question 6

What is an example of a function without an inverse?

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