

Learn and practice identifying and graphing different types of functions with interactive resources from GeoGebra.

Middle School


Graphing Linear Functions Using Ordered Pairs

Use ordered pairs derived from tables, algebraic rules, or verbal descriptions to graph linear functions.

Intercepts of Linear Relations

Identify and interpret the intercepts of a linear relation in number and word problems.

Point Slope Form of Line

Write the equation of and graph linear relationships given the slope and one point on the line.

Properties of Linear Functions, Graphs, and Equations

Interpret and compare properties of linear functions, graphs, and equations.

Relations and Functions

Define and distinguish between relations and functions, dependent and independent variables, and domain and range; identify whether relations are functions numerically and graphically.

Slope as Rate of Change

Describe the slope of a line given in the context of a problem situation; compare rates of change in linear relationships represented in different ways.

Slope of a Line

Find the slope of a line given two points on a line, a table of values, the graph of the line, or an equation of the line in number and word problems.

High School


Composition and Inverse of Functions

Find the inverse of a function or relation. Verify that two functions are inverses using their graphs or composition of functions.

Functions and Function Notation

Use and interpret function notation in number and word problems; determine a value of the function given an element of the domain.

Thèmes en Lien

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