Learn and practice solving and graphing inequalities with interactive resources from GeoGebra.
Middle School
Inequalities Using Symbolic Notation >, <, ≤, ≥, and ≠
Graph or identify simple inequalities using symbol notation >, <, ≤, ≥, and ≠ in number and word problems.
Linear Equations and Inequalities in Word Problems
Write a problem given a simple linear equation or inequality.
Linear Inequalities in Problems
Model and solve linear inequalities using the properties of inequality in number and word problems.
One-step Linear Equations and Inequalities
Solve one-step linear equations and inequalities and graph solutions of the inequalities on a number line in number and word problems.
Solving Inequalities
Identify from a set of numbers which values satisfy a given equation or inequality.
Translating Linear Equations and Inequalities
Write a linear equation or inequality to represent a given number or word problem; solve.
Two-step Linear Equations and Inequalities
Solve two-step linear equations and inequalities and graph solutions of the inequalities on a number line.
High School
Graphing Absolute Value Functions and Inequalities
Graph absolute value functions and their corresponding inequalities.
Solving Linear Inequalities
Determine algebraically or graphically the solutions of a linear inequality in two variables.
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