

Learn and practice multiplying numbers and solving multiplication problems with interactive resources from GeoGebra.

Upper Elementary


Estimating Products of Whole Numbers

Estimate and compute products of whole numbers with multi-digit factors.

Estimating Products and Quotients

Apply appropriate types of estimation for number and word problems that include estimating products and quotients.

Multiplication and Division Sentences

Write a multiplication or a division sentence to represent a number or word problem; solve.

Multiplying a 1-digit by a 2-digit Number

Multiply a 1-digit number by a 2-digit multiple of 10.

Multiplying and Dividing by Powers of 10

Recognize and use patterns in powers of ten (with or without exponents) to multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals.

Multiplying Multi-digit Numbers

Multiply a multi-digit whole number by a 1-digit whole number or a 2-digit multiple of 10.

Properties of Addition and Multiplication

Use the commutative and associative properties to add or multiply numerical expressions.

Middle School


Additive and Multiplicative Inverse

Identify additive inverses (opposites) and multiplicative inverses (reciprocals) and use them to solve number and word problems.

Multiplying and Dividing Integers

Model or compute with integers using multiplication or division in number and word problems.

관련된 주제

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